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Starting Course - Section 6
Taking Action

I matter!!!

What I do Matters!!!

what every “I” does matters!!!


I hope by now that you realize how amazing and powerful you are.

You are the center of this great big universe,

and play an incredibly important part in its existence.


Say these words to yourself: 

I am who am.

The whole world happens to me.  

The whole universe happens to me.  


Then pause for a moment and ponder this wonderful truth.  


The scientific and philosophic logic and facts both support 

the absolute truth of your importance. 

They are in complete harmony on this point. 




I am more than just a passive part of the world.

I have an active role in this universe.

I create and change the world.


I have something which seems to be found nowhere else in the universe:


free will  


I have freedom,  

in my thoughts 

and to a great extent in my actions,

as do you!


I can change, grow, learn, and adapt.

I have drive and ambition

and I can affect the universe around me.  


You too!  I affect you and you affect me.


Combine free will with the power to create the universe

and you have the most amazing thing in the universe,

a human being!  

You, me, all of us.


The purpose of this website is to help you be happy


understanding your superpowers,

developing them,


using them for the greater good


create a flourishing world for all of us.


What do we do with your and my power,

the power we have to use our free will to create.


What will we create?


Human Excellence and action

or what I need to do, 

what you need to do, 

what we need to do

to create happiness.


In Human Excellence you will find happiness,

a beautiful kind if deep contentment.


In excellence you will discover how to use the power you have to create,

to create happiness for you, and for others.


Through Human Excellence we, you and I,

create a flourishing social world,

a flourishing local and global community,

a happy world for all of us.


Your excellence, happiness and creative power are uniquely yours.

You already have what it takes to attain happiness.

It is simply a matter of habit!


This section will get you started. 

Hopefully, it will open the door for you to join me in further study.

The full course on Human Excellence, the next course in the sequence of study,

contains much more detailed and helpful information.


You can be an Excellent Human Being.

It is not as hard as you might think!


The best part about becoming an excellent human being

is that you have everything you need to do it!


You may not know it, but it is true.  

You already have everything you need.   


To help you understand what you have, 

we must first consider some similar examples.


Consider people who are excellent in sports, music, dance, 

and many other human endeavors. 


A great athlete may have started with strength, speed, balance,

or the physical size for their sport.  


Someone in the arts may have rhythm, grace, a singing voice, or a steady hand.  


In some professions,

a person may have natural writing, mathematical, logical, or creative abilities.    


Certain people are born with specific natural capabilities.  

They then develop them to where they excel in a particular area,

such as the athlete who wins a Gold Medal in a specific Olympic sport,

a singer who a prestigious award

or a writer who publishes great works.


Every person who excels in an area

starts with some inherit ability is a specific area

and then must develop it to a high level.  How?

Through practice.  


However, the only inherent natural ability a person needs

to become an excellent human being

is simply to be a human being!


It seems simple, because it is simple.


All human beings are creatures of habit.

To become an Excellent Human Being

I simply need to develop certain habits.


The gold metal athlete or virtuoso musician

practiced in order to develop their inherent athletic or musical ability

into something more, an excellence.


Every human being has the ability to develop habits.

It is this ability to develop habits

which the athlete, musician, writer, painter, etc.

uses to develop their excellence.


The ability to develop habits is inherent in every human being.


All human beings have free will

or the ability to choose.

I can choose good or bad, right or wrong.


An Excellent Human Being repeatedly chooses the right thing.

I simply get into the habit of choosing the right thing.



This point bears repeating:

All humans are creatures of habit.

Every person is born with the ability to develop habits.

Each time I choose the right thing

I strengthen my habit 

or develop the habit of doing the right thing.


Every great athlete, musician, dancer, or person who excelled in any area,

practiced in order to reach a level of excellence.


The more I do the right thing,

practice being good,

the better I get at being a good human being.


The same is true for you and every human being.


An Excellent Human Being is a moral person,

a person who almost always does the right thing

and eventually just does it out of habit.



Obviously, it sounds simpler that it is to implement,

but it really is simple.


I am, as you are, the most remarkable creation in all the universe.  

I am capable of changing my habits.

I am able to change what I do.


A tree cannot decide to become a flower

any more than an elephant can decide to live life in the water,

to become like a dolphin.


But a human can change.

A human can develop habits.

I can develop the habit of being good.


Developing good habits is the starting point for attaining Human Excellence.




It is important to understand what excellence is and is not.


Excellence is not perfection.

The greatest of athletes, musicians, dancers, etc., 

at times make mistakes.


You can use your natural ability

to create habits, 

and develop one habit,

the habit of being good and of doing the right thing.

You have the freedom to choose good.  


The habit of doing the right thing is called a virtue.


It is helpful to think of animals.  

A virtue is a very strong habit of doing good, deeply ingrained in a person.

It is very much like an instinct in an animal.


Instincts in animals help them survive and flourish as a species.


Individual animals within a species 

that do not have the proper instincts

do not survive.  


Good habits in humans, virtues, help them to survive, flourish as a species

and be happy as individuals and together in communities.  


Remember the discussion of “I am”

and how we, you and I and all of us together,

create the social world.


I create the good and bad in the world.

As do you.

Together, we fully create the social world.


We have the power to make the world a good place.

It is just a matter of developing good moral habits,

and putting them into action.




Does this seem a bit anticlimactic?

were you expecting some great secret 

or amazing revelation?


Please join me on the final page of the journey of this course.

In the next section I will give you some more clarification

and some ideas of what to do.


There is nothing more to it

than all of us developing the habit of being good,

doing the right thing.


It is not developing "good" habits

but the habit of being good.  


From my habit of being good,

my virtue,

I will take the right action most of the time.

I will become an excellent human being.

I will be happy.

Together we will create a flourishing society.


However, I am sure you still have some more questions

and would like some additional answers

and help on this quest for happiness.





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