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Course Pages



1. Starting Point​


2. Creation Built on I Am​


3. Ethical & Moral World


​​4. Excellence & Human Nature


​5. Moral Decision-Making Tools


6. The Virtuoso Person


​7. Conclusion & next steps

Human Excellence - Introduction

Human Excellence is unique to you.

It is something you can achieve in your own special way,

at any, and every, point in your life.


You started your existence when a seed from your father joined with an egg from your mother.  

You started as a single cell.

Every human being started the same way, as a single cell.


You were conceived by two humans, at a specific moment in time, at a specific location on earth.

You had no choice in the matter.

Every human being was conceived into unique circumstances.


Your circumstances are exclusively yours.

You are different from any other person who ever was, is or will be.

Human Excellence is specific to you,

in your situation,

at any, and every, given point in your life.


You are an Excellent Human Being

1. if you consistently try to do the right thing,

2. every time you make a moral choice,

3. given the specific, individual circumstances in your life, 

4. at the moment you must make a moral decision.    


​It is that simple.  Always try to do the right thing in word and deed.

Eventually you will get into the habit of doing the right thing.


Obviously, it is easier said than done.

The challenge is in knowing the right moral thing.


This course has 7 segments, as introduced below.

It is best if you follow the sequence listed.  

Generally, the segments take 10 to 20 minutes each.  

The entire course can be completed in about 1 to 2 hours.


I sincerely hope you enjoy the course, learn, and grow from it.  

There is so much for you to learn about you;

> how simple it is for you to become an Excellent Human Being,

> the power you have to create the world,

> and your ability to make the world a better place.


Course objectives
1)    To help you, the student, to understand the relationship between

        moral choices, ethics and happiness.


2)     To explore the challenging problem found in the fact that you, and you alone, must

make your own moral choice every time, that in the end, every moral decision is yours.


3)     Elaborate on what it means to make the best moral choice possible for you

using an idea referred to as the golden mean.


4)     Give you some tools on how to make the right choices and what constitutes a morally

correct choice.


5)     Provide some advice on how to develop the ability to make the right moral choice as

part of your nature.


1. Starting Point

You may already be an Excellent Human Being 

          or well on your way to achieving excellence.
                  Excellence is found in the continuous effort to do the right thing.


In this section we explain the connection between being a good person, and being a happy person.


          Flourishing as a human being, true happiness, is found in living a moral life. 


It is in our very nature as human beings to be morally good.
                                                                         When you are good, you are happy.
                                                                                                                                                       When we are good collectively, we flourish.


2. Creation Built on I Am

This section is a brief recap of the Start Here course.

        You and I assemble the physical world into coherence in our minds.

                                However, we create the moral and social world. 


Your power of creation is a godlike power.

Star Formation

3. The Ethical and moral world

In this section we explore how the moral world is as real as the physical world.

          Ethics is the study of this world, and how it works. 


Morality is about you and me.  It is about our happiness and flourishing.


By nature, we are creatures of habit.

                            Our good habits, virtues, are consistent with the way the moral world is.

                                                                     Happiness is found in having habits consistent with the nature of the moral world.

4. Excellence and Human Nature

In this section we learn more about virtue.

                  People have been able to develop many different skills to a very high level,

                                    so that thought and action become instinctive in certain areas.


Human excellence is found in the consistent effort to do the morally right thing. 


Through education and practice in doing the right thing,

                         you can develop your natural ability to be morally good,

                         to a very high level and develop the instinct to do the right thing.


We also introduce an important component of moral behavior, the Golden Mean,

                          a method to help use your unique experiences in life, to become excellent.




Workshop Tools

5. Moral Decision-Making Tools

There are very real and true moral principles which exist in the universe.

                            Yet, every human being is unique and has had experiences in life

                                                     which must be accounted for in any moral decision.


When you make a moral decision, you must consider 

                                      both the universal principles of ethics, and your circumstances.


In this section we discuss how this is possible, using the Golden Mean,

                                                                in conjunction with the major approaches to moral decision making.


This section







6. The Virtuoso Person

You have what it takes to become an Excellent Human Being,

            a moral virtuoso in the game of life.


In this section we discuss the development of moral excellence

            and the similarities to music, sports, the arts and many other human activities.

You are unique. There is no one else like you.


All you need to do is practice,  and develop your own special, natural goodness! 


7. Conclusion and Next Steps

This section begins the lessons on how to develop our powers

and use them to create a flourishing world.


The study of the human powers to create happiness is the field of Ethics,

where we explore the fundamental building blocks of the universe:

“I am” and “You are”


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