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Human Excellence - Section 2
Creation Built on I Am

Our Creation


The experience of one person – you,

changing the world,

the world of one other person,

and of all people,

one choice,

one person

one moment at a time


is creation!




You and I create the most important part of the human world.


You and I create all of the good and bad, right and wrong, in the world. 


Individually and together,


we create the moral world.








I hope you have completed the Start Here course on this website. 

It will help you understand the most fundamental principle of the entire universe. 

This principle is “I am”.


What follows is a brief recap of the Start Here course:


In order to make moral choices,

and attain excellence and happiness,

it is important to understand the power you have to create the world.


The universe starts with you.


Whether you are aware of it or not,

you assemble and create critical parts of the universe.


There is nothing more basic or more certain than the fact that you exist. 

It is the only indisputable fact in the universe. 

There is no way that your existence can be denied. 


You can state with absolute certainty “I am” and it is 100% true. 

The principle “I am who am” is an extension of the fact of your existence. 

Every human being who was, is, and will be,

can make the exact same claim that you can:

“I am”.


Every individual human can say ‘I am’,

and together, collectively

we are everyone who was, is and will be,

individually as ‘I am’.  


The core of this principle is that each human being,


assembles and creates the universe.


I assemble and create the universe.

You assemble and create the universe.




You create what the world is to you

by assembling all the energy and matter in the universe into coherence.


You make sense of the input your mind receives from your five senses,

utilizing what is built into you as a human being,

and what you learn throughout your life. 


You sense the light bouncing off objects,

the vibration of sound waves,

the molecules of smell,

the energy and texture of touch,

and the flavor molecules of objects of taste.


You identify, classify, and categorize it all

into the world around you.


You assemble all the sensory input you receive from the external physical world

into what you understand as the universe,

both large and small.


Partial Creation


More significant, as relates to Human Excellence, is your power of creation.


You create value, or significance,

for this interpreted sensory input.


You decide and determine what is good or bad,

you create, in the fullest sense of creation,

the good and bad,

in the matter, energy, and events of the universe.


Some of this creation of value is basic to your existence,

such as what is good to eat and what is toxic or not edible,

(that is, you attach the notion of good or bad to food),

or what is a good or bad environment for survival.


Some of this creation of value is part of your lifestyle,

such as what foods, music, books, shows,

and other activities or things that you prefer or enjoy. 


Some of this creation of value is more complex,

as it relates to how you create your perspective of the world around you, such as:

Is the world a good or bad place?

Is what you are doing at a given moment a positive or negative experience?

Is the situation you are in at any given moment good or bad?


You, and you alone, over time,

obtain the power to create your outlook on the external world,

often captured in the ideas of optimism, it is a good world,

or pessimism, it is a bad world,

or metaphors such as is the glass half-full or half-empty. 


You assemble the input you receive,

and you create the meaning and value

for that assembled input.


Pure Creation


You assemble the physical, external world,

based on input you receive from your senses,

and you create your own perspective of it.


But you also create, in its entirety,

a specific, very real part of the world

for yourself, me and for other people.


Through your words and actions

you create the social and moral world.


Together, we humans fully create the social and moral world.



​​How the physical world was created is still a mystery,

with a lot of uncertainty regarding how it came about,

which is one of the core subjects of the study of religion and science.


However, just as I am absolutely certain that I exist,

and almost as equally certain that you exist,

we can be equally certain

that we create the moral world of right and wrong

for ourselves and each other. â€‹


Your power of creation,

and my power of creation

of the moral world

is a godlike power.








​We, you and I,

and every human being,

decide what the moral part of the universe will be like,

and then create it to be as we decide, choose and act.


I create the moral universe,

the good and bad, and right and wrong in the universe.

I create morality for myself, and for you,

just as you create the morality for yourself and me.


The moral world belongs to us.

It is our creation.

It is as real as the physical world.


The matter and energy of the physical universe,

such as the planets, stars and forces of the world,

somehow came into existence long ago.


However, you and I create morality every moment of our lives,

in how we treat others and ourselves,

in our words and actions,

in our organizations and institutions,

in our laws and systems,

and in our social and cultural practices,

all of which we regularly create and change.


Your and my power of moral creation is akin to life,

because it is dynamic, alive and ever-changing. 


I fully create part of the universe.

You fully create part of the universe.


You and I create morality, the most important part of the universe,

and we create this component in its entirety.


​A Different Sense of the Universe


The entire universe,

as I know it and as you know it,

revolves around the two principles:

I am and You are. 


Focusing on the importance and equality of each individual human being

gives you a different sense of the universe,

which is foundational to creating the moral part of the world.


Everything known to and experienced by humanity

in the past, present, and future,

is centered on, and depends upon, the individual.


Everything known to 

or experienced by humanity,

is known and experienced by one person. 


That one person is you. 

That one person is every “you” or “I” that ever has, does or will exist.

That is 100% certain.


Just as the material universe happens to you,

the material universe happens to me.

And just as the moral universe is created by you,

the moral universe is created by me.


Individually and together,

we create the good and bad, the right and wrong.

​We create the morality of the world.


Ethics is the study of the creation of morality.


This field of study helps us to understand morality,

and how to create good in the universe.


The goal of the study of morality (ethics)

is to teach humans

how to attain happiness


how to flourish individually and together in the world.


It gives us instructions, tools and methods

about how to successfully and happily

function, work and live individually and together.


Please continue this journey with me as we explore the ethical and moral world!



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