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Aerial View of Islands

Thoughts and Reflections

Hello, I am Fred.  Glad you could join me. 

​At times in my life, I believed that I understood life, it all made sense, I saw the beauty of the universe and felt the love. 

Other times I felt everyone was smarter than me, and I just couldn’t understand the world and things people said and did.

​At times I felt happiness, joy and peace, sometimes when things went my way, and other times when it just came to me. 

There have been times when I felt great sadness, despair, depression and hopelessness.

​I created this website, and will be writing and adding to it, because I want something. 

I want to be happy.  In exchange for you helping me be happy, I want to help you be happy.​

It is as simple as that.  No other catch. 

I am old right now, as I write.  along with the aches and pains of aging, comes the reflections on what matters in life, which is

happiness for me, you, my children, grandchildren, family, friends, students and all I have encountered on my life journey.

It is ok to be selfish in wanting happiness for yourself.  It is built into you, as part of your nature, your essence.

However, I now know that I will never be truly happy unless you and everyone living on the planet is happy.

Happiness, in the sense of flourishing, is the goal for every human, and it can be attained by different people, in different ways. 

while very human being is a unique individual, and will find happiness in different ways, there is one common factor. 

Flourishing, a deep, lifelong, fulfilling happiness, is always, and only, found in being good, in trying to live a moral life.

while happiness can be attained in a wide variety of ways, each way of attaining happiness must be morally good or right. 

Just as every human requires food and water for survival, every human needs to be morality good to be happy.

It is possible, if you and I believe it is possible, and try to make it happen.  We can all be good and thus all be happy.

Your happiness and my happiness, our happiness, is the goal of my work here on this website.

I hope you will join me on this quest for our happiness. 

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